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5 things a good office interiors company will take into account


5 things a good office interiors company will take into account

The look of your office is very important. Not just from the outside, but also the Interior plays a very important role. A commercial interiors company can be of assistance. The character of the company, the industry and the positioning will be taken into account so that the right sort of image is communicated in the branding and in the interior design.

1. Design and Interior

On the basis of the analysis which is done about the property and the analysis and wishes of the company itself, the interior designer wil look for the right furniture for the interior. The Interior plays an important role in the whole. The difficulty lies in the upholding of creativity to the wishes and the available space, atmosphere and experience in the workplace.

2. Lighting 

One aspect that is easily overlooked, but that is at least as important as the furniture in an office, is the lighting. It is proven by scientists that good lighting in the workplace has a positive effect on the mood and provides better productivity. Good light keeps people alert, but also the quality of the sleep benefits from good lighting during the day. New is the development of a dynamic light system. With this system the color temperature can be changed to imitate the daylight. For example, activating white light for in the morning and when it is time for lunch, it can create a warmer light that promotes relaxation. Of course pure daylight is still the best, so when there are large windows present in the property, clever use naad to be made of that.

3. Use of colour

As with light, colour has an effect on your mood as well. Using the right colour combinations stimulates the productivity of people in the workplace. There research available about the connection between absenteism and colourless offices. This showed that people who work in offices with a correct colour scheme, on average are sick less often.

5 things a good office interiors company will take into account

In particular, the colors red, orange and yellow create a better mood and more energy. An interior designer designer will always take into account the coulurs used for the corporate branding of the company, so that the use of colour also matches the overall style when the office refurbishment is finally completed. 

4. Floor coverings

The acoustics of a workspace is also determined by what’s on the floor. Carpeted floors helps to create a cushioning of sounds. In combination with wall panels, with or without prints, you can make sure there is a fine acoustics also in large spaces.

5. Appearance of vision

With just a pretty office are you not quite there yet. The essence of the whole interior is actually about the right look that communicates the company’s vision and corporate culture. A creative company may for instance have a more dynamic appearance and a law firm more formal. All points of consideration for a good commercial interiors company. So don’t think too easy about the office where you work. You do spend almost every day there so it should produce positive energy!