Last week a magnet fisherman pulled a grenade up in the Dender at the lock in Idegem. The Vlaamse Waterweg states that magnet fishermen must always have permission from the owner of the water in which they fish. And one must be recognized as a metal detectorist. And magnet fishing is never allowed in navigable waterways.
For the rules regarding magnet fishing, you can contact the Flemish Waterway and the Immovable Heritage Agency.
“If you want to enjoy yourself with the magnet, you can do so with a clear conscience if you observe a few rules” they say. “For example, you must always have permission from the owner of the water you are fishing in. You must also be recognized as a metal detectorist. And you are never allowed to fish magnetically in navigable waterways. Unless for archaeological research on behalf of De Vlaamse Waterweg NV. As a recognized detectorist. you can be engaged for this. “
“You must report any find that you suspect of archaeological value via the Immovable Heritage website. Our archaeologists will then include your report in the Central Archaeological Inventory. You do not have to submit your find at all. With recent, dangerous finds. you can contact the local police. You should not hesitate, because the most important thing about magnet fishing is: Safety first! “
You can read the rules for detection and magnet fishing in the Code of Good Practice. Getting recognized as a metal detectorist or magnet fisherman is free. You can report an archaeological find online. You can find the online version of the Immovable Heritage Decree here.
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