Organizing a party in corona time requires a little more organization. What tips can you use to make the party run as smoothly as possible so that you can comply with the legislation.
Organizing a party in corona time is not an easy task. The first important thing is to ask yourself what is possible and allowed. Everyone is of course ready for a party, but in times of corona it is not wise to gather with large groups of people. We therefore always advise you to comply with the applicable rules of the RIVM. If things change over time, it is wise to follow them. Only together can we get corona under control is a frequently heard slogan from the government. Doest not matter if the party in inside or in a garden Tip 1: Is it someone’s birthday, organize a drive by birthday As indicated earlier, it is not smart to gather large groups of people. That is why surprising the birthday boy with a parada of cars is a nice option. Any couple or family can stay in the car. This way you avoid contact with multiple people. Don’t forget to decorate the car. Both inside and outside you can decorate the car with balloons and streamers. Tip 2: Let some partygoers in in small groups spread over the day If you still want to receive visitors. Then limit the group size. The more people together, the more chance you have of being infected. That is why we advise you to work with small groups, preferably one family at a time and not too many in one day. If you can keep it out. Then make sure to receive your friends outside. It seems that the chance of contamination outside is smaller than inside. You also have to stick to the corona measures in force outside, such as 1,5 meters away. Don’t forget to hang party decorations such as streamers and balloons. As a result, the birthday boy will immediately feel a lot more birthday in this time. Tip 3: tickets Make sure everyone has the right ticket for you party. If someone cannot attend you can alwyas sell tickets via the platform of Ticketswap |