It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all technological developments within Retail. Companies should think about what they want to invest in. Is it a good strategy to focus on e-commerce, augmented reality or smart forecasting using reliable customer footfall data? PFM Footfall Intelligence consults retailers on their best options when it comes to technological developments. What do customers find most important? Which innovations provide real added value to the shopping experience of their customers? How can the data be transformed into valuable insights? Making progress is what really counts in the end. But it is crucial to make the best decisions regarding all available techniques. One of the most important considerations is commercial interest. Involving people with a commercial background in the search for technological opportunities can thus be very beneficial. This will put ‘people’ (colleagues or customers) in a central position as opposed to only technology. Choose wiselyFollowing all trends at the same time is not an option. You have to make a choice between techniques with a high potential and techniques that will probably not deliver as much added value in your company’s strategy. When choosing the right technology, be very critical about the best fit with your company. PFM Footfall Intelligence is specialised in people counting & related data science. PFM offers a technological solution aimed at optimising the customer experience. As a retailer you can adapt your current strategy and follow a new direction based on reliable data should this be necessary. Footfall data offer a lot of relevant insights concerning conversion rate, staff planning, dwell time, marketing and returning visitors. If you are able to turn these valuable insights into actionable improvements you can always offer the best customer experience. PFM’s people counting systems will also help you discover whether a new shop window is appealing to your customers and which area of your shop is most suited to introduce a new item. Maybe one of the most important aspects is that footfall data will allow you to make predictions about the future when it comes to your visitors. How many customers can you expect in certain periods of time and when will it be less busy. If technology is used this way, you have many possibilities to make your customer the starting point. Different ways of countingIt doesn’t matter whether your retail space is small or large, accurate and reliable data is key to making smart business decisions. At every entrance of a commercial area devices will be placed. These devices are tailored to the specific area and are suitable for any area/height situation. A number of different devices can be used such as: infrared beam counters, thermal counters, 3D stereoscopic counters, Wi-Fi / Bluetooth counters. Every situation is different of course and that is why solutions at PFM are always tailormade to fit the customer. | |